
Is there a “Best” CMS?

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Questions like “Do you work in WordPress?” used to be more normal.  Many business owners have finally determined that regardless of how easy the system claimed to be, they still valued their time more than being able to get into the system and use it regularly.  Making sure that the system was flexible and that someone else had an easy time getting in and making updates became far more relevant.

Is there a “best” solution out there?  The short answer is no.  The long answer however is good news.  We’ll talk about it more in the sections ahead.

The Aftermath

Largely, the “CMS Wars” in which different software developers would battle out who was the best has died down.  When it came down to it, most people couldn’t care less which solution was being used as long as it fit certain criteria, such as:

  • Is it easy to use?
  • How much do we have to worry about security?
  • Is it going to be around in 5, 10 or 15 years?
  • What does it cost?

Interestingly enough the factor of cost began to matter less and less.  If a software solution that may cost $200 for a license was up against a free solution, depending on the features that were being provided, paying a couple hundred dollars for a solution that would serve your company well for 5 years was a bargain.

Whose Actually Playing?

Today, there are a myriad of choices.

WordPress is a great option, but also remains debated as to whether or not it’s the best choice out there.  Wordpress comes out of the box with a few drawbacks.  The main issue with WordPress is that it is very difficult to ensure that whoever is building your site is doing a professional job of it, can maintain it after the fact, and has the skillset to expand it as you grow.

We have worked with many businesses that immediately say “no, please not WordPress!” simply because of a bad experience with a web developer that charged an exorbitant rate to place a poorly coded pre-bought theme online and had no idea how to customize it.

What Does Best Actually Mean?

The approach to your website really at the end of the day is more akin to the approach you might take when you invest in equipment or technology in your company.  There are pros and cons, costs and warranties, etc.  In other words, your website is no less a business investment than anything else.  It’s your marketing identity to the world.

The absolute best solution for your needs at the end of the day is the solution that allows you to meet your goals.

Our approach is always to sit down with you to determine what your immediate and long term goals include, and based on that craft a proposal that includes solutions that help you meet your goals.